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The mascagnées are back!

Some of the stock are short best-before date, some are mascagnes, and the fruit and nut dark is very cheap as one type of raisins has created sugar syrup and making messy packaging. There are different weights so the first orders get the heaviest tablettes.

New: the Saturn apple and Cognac are all above 170g so are each £8


In Occitan, the old South French language (before Paris French was compulsorily taught in schools) was very prevalent and spoken all through Southern France. My grand-mother spoke Occitan, or "patois" as they called it, fluently: but l only learned a few words, not being very interested in language at the time, and one of the verbs l remember in that language, is "mascagner".

Mascagner is a brilliant word. It can be used in so many ways, always with a comical undertone to it. "Mascagner" means: to awkwardly attempt to make, amend, repair or work with something; an object, or a project which is not easy to do and often fails, having taken way too much of one's time.. Mascagner can be used for many activities, when we aren't achieving what we wanted to achieve, because of problems on the way, or something which takes 3 times as long as we expected it would take, when we are in a rush. Often with those unsatisfactory outcomes. "J'ai mascagné pendant des heures à essayer de réparer ma voiture, et finalement il a fallu que je l'amène au garage..."l called my imperfect tablettes of chocolate "mascagnées" because often, when the tempering isn't at its best, they aren't set properly or they stick to the mould, l may try and force them out the mould and they may come out slightly broken or with a thin layer missing, or just not very pretty looking. Or, they may break in half. Therefore, now l have a little collection of those, l will offer them to you at a discounted price. They may not be pretty enough to give as presents, but it is the same quality chocolate and ingredients, so perfectly fine to enjoy as a treat.

The weights will vary so the first orders will get the heaviest bars if there are several of the same kind in different weights. Minimum weight is 110g and maximum weight 150g. Enjoy les mascagnées!

Les mascagnées: the imperfect bars collection - special offer -

  •   42% Milk Chocolate,   76% Dark Chocolate

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