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Alexandra Pechabadens
30 août 20212 min de lecture
Annalisa Barbieri’s Article sur le chocolat - dans le magazine de l'Observer 1/8/2021
Quelles aventures j'ai vecu l'an dernier, avec l'aide de mon adjoint Barry qui m'aide depuis Aout a emballer, et a decorer le chocolat....
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15 juil. 20211 min de lecture
News and histoires!
We have been awarded the Gold Bursary by the Ludlow Food Festival this year, so this was shocking and delightful news as well as being...
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15 juil. 20213 min de lecture
Why, oh Why, has your “more more more!” page logo a goose and a chicken on it?
It is time to answer that question that some of you will be asking yourselves if you have wandered up to this More More More, page. It...
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15 juil. 20212 min de lecture
“Home” or a bit of history.
Le Chateau de Soussis, or Soucis (sur le cadastre) , in the Tarn-Et-Garonne, 82. Near… Montcuq, Cahors, or if you don’t know those, you...
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15 juil. 20211 min de lecture
Cc’s Fruit and Nut Millions Easter eggs
Millions, because there has been probably a million of those varied little delights, all dipped in chocolate, to fill our easter eggs...
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15 juil. 20212 min de lecture
Paques arrive! (avec un accent circonflexe sur le A)
The Easter Eggs are indeed being made, I love that time of year when making different shapes with chocolate and fillings. THis year, we...
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15 juil. 202115 min de lecture
Stepping through
Sometimes, we feel as shy as an 11 year old, faced with the dread of a blank page during that very important exam. That exam that will...
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15 juil. 20212 min de lecture
About foods and life energy
When you physically put to your heart the food which has entered your life, it attunes the food to your vibrations and as a result it...
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21 févr. 20182 min de lecture
“What are all those Soundcloud gimmicks all over the place?”
Good question, asked from one of my regular made-up site visitors. You may have noticed this happening since January? This is joy, this...
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14 oct. 20173 min de lecture
Single estate single origin grand-cru etc
A quick word with one of the suppliers whom we don’t order chocolate from anymore, made me wonder about the preciousness of chocolate,...
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